Rackfish Services

Popular services from Rackfish
Support & Monitoring
You can relax with Rackfish services.
We are available for support and we monitor our reliable systems around the clock - in addition, many delivery problems are handled completely automatically via our video adapted network!

With our own servers in Stockholm and Uppsala, we can guarantee GDPR safety and security. Many of our services are proprietary, such as Streamio OVP and our customizable live service Rackfish live. We only choose to cooperate with subcontractors that match our delivery requirements. This means that all our customers receive good services that meet their needs and wishes, in everything from safety, to quality and availability.
Swedish services
Swedish data centers. Swedish contracting party. Swedish agreement. Swedish invoice. Storage in Sweden. Servers owned by all-Swedish Rackfish AB. Support that speaks Swedish and English. Welcome to meet in real life at our office in Uppsala Castle.
Our three most popular services
Three selected popular services from us at Rackfish. Here you will find all our services, and here you will find solutions for different industries.
Live and On-demand Video for Communicators-
Live broadcasts with recording included
Video for everyone. WCAG 2.1 AA Accessible
CMS – Content Management System
Pricing plans for all needs
Global CDN or EU CDN for GDPR
Managed WordPress
Wordpress without a headache. We'll take care of the operation of your WP.-
We help with extra backups
Staging Sites
Automatic update
Priority support
Moving away from your current hosting provider, updating SSL certificates, and redirecting your visitors
Rackfish Live
A flexible live streaming servicetailored to your unique needs
Customize everything according to needs and budget
Send recordings to Streamio or download
No barriers - your stream is delivered always
Ultra low latency, transcoding, RTMP etc. are available as possibilities
A selection of satisfied customers