Search your domain and register:
Self-Service Domain
Search and register by yourself among different top-level domains.Available 24/7 and registration is instant.
17 €
Automatic instant registration
Search for yourself among all domains
Register 24/7
Easy-to-use management interface
Buy more services if needed
Search your domain here
Business customers only
Help registering Domain
With us you can get help to register, pay by invoice and get automatic renewals until you terminate!
Starting fee
36 €
Annual fees for top-level domains apply
Monthly invoice with all services
Automatic domain renewal
Avoid credit cards and expenses
Feel free to give us a call for free advice!
Call +46 18-18 18 00
Business customers only
Want help registering domains?
Rackfish is an approved registrar for .se and .nu and offers most other top-level domains through partners.
We manage renewals for customers who have our assisted service. That means that no domains are lost due to lost invoices or because renewal messages has been sent to an old email address.
When you no longer want to renew a domain, just request that the domain be terminated.
A domain can be purchased and terminated at the same time, saving time and money for our agency customers who often buy domains for specific campaign – buy one or two years and be sure it’s terminated, or use a campaign domain from us – from one month.
A selection of the customers we proudly delivered domains to: